AWS Installation Steps
This post describes how to install Myelin on AWS.
Create namespace:
NAMESPACE=myelin kubectl create ns $NAMESPACE kubectl label namespace $NAMESPACE istio-injection=enabled
Install Helm client: Installation
Install Tiller:
kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller helm init --service-account tiller
Add Myelin repo to Helm:
helm repo add helm repo update
Setup authentication:
Create a file
with the following content:licence: LICENCE authenticateDocker: enabled: true dockerSecret: auths: dockerRegistryUrl: auth: authbase64 Username: username Password: password Email: email artifacts: accesskey: accesskey secretkey: secretkey authenticateGithub: enabled: true github: sshPrivateKey: PRIVATE_KEY sshPublicKey: PUBLIC_KEY
In this file the following fields should be provided:
licence: Get a free licence from here.
dockerRegistryUrl: Add the repository url instead of this line, for example use
for AWS ECR, where aws_account_id and and region should be filled in.dockerSecret.auths.auth: Auth token. For AWS ECR, this can be generated as follows:
aws ecr get-authorization-token --output text --query 'authorizationData[].authorizationToken'
dockerSecret.auths.Username: docker repository user name
dockerSecret.auths.Password: docker repository password
dockerSecret.auths.Email: docker repository email
Get your AWS access and secret keys: AWS key setup. Note that the user associated with this key should have sufficient privileges to read and write to S3.- artifacts.accesskey: aws access key
- artifacts.secretkey: aws secret key
To access Github using SSH add the following (set authenticateGithub.enabled to false if you are accessing public repositories via https):- github.sshPrivateKey: private key
- github.sshPublicKey: public key
Create a config fileaws-config.yaml
:nfs-server: persistence: storageClass: default axonController: dockerServer: dockerRegistryUrl dockerNamespace: namespace config: artifactRepository: archiveLogs: true s3: bucket: myelin-dev endpoint: region: eu-west-1 accessKeySecret: name: myelin-artifacts key: accesskey secretKeySecret: name: myelin-artifacts key: secretkey deployerController: config: artifactRepository: archiveLogs: true s3: bucket: myelin-dev endpoint: region: eu-west-1 accessKeySecret: name: myelin-artifacts key: accesskey secretKeySecret: name: myelin-artifacts key: secretkey
The following values should be filled in:
- axonController.dockerServer: repository url, for example use
for AWS ECR, where aws_account_id and and region should be filled in. This repository is used to store docker images created by Myelin. - axonController.dockerNamespace: namespace of the repository. Note that AWS ECR does not create missing namespaces, all namespaces have to be created manually.
- axonController.config.artifactRepository.s3.bucket: S3 bucket
- axonController.config.artifactRepository.s3.endpoint: S3 endpoint. See Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in AWS endpoints
- axonController.config.artifactRepository.s3.region: S3 region.
- deployerController.config.artifactRepository.s3.bucket: S3 bucket
- deployerController.config.artifactRepository.s3.endpoint: S3 endpoint. See Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in AWS endpoints
- deployerController.config.artifactRepository.s3.region: S3 region.
Create an S3 bucket that stores temporary files on S3. Make sure the region is the same as the bucket region.
Install the Helm chart:
Install Myelin (add the –devel flag if you would like to install the latest development version)
RELEASE_NAME=myelin-app CONFIG_FILE=aws-config.yaml SECRETS_FILE=secrets.yaml NAMESPACE=myelin helm install \ --debug \ --devel \ --name $RELEASE_NAME \ -f $CONFIG_FILE,$SECRETS_FILE \ --set createCustomResource=true \ --set deployerController.createCustomResource=true \ --namespace=$NAMESPACE
Install the Myelin cli:
MacOS installation:
brew tap myelin/cli brew install myelin
Linux installation:
curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/myelin chmod +x /usr/local/bin/myelin # Add bash completion apt-get install bash-completion myelin completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/myelin
Test first Axon:
Create Axon:
myelin submit --namespace=$NAMESPACE
Watch Axon execution:
myelin watch axon ml-rec-rf --namespace=$NAMESPACE
Get Axon public REST endpoints:
REST_URL=$(myelin endpoint ml-rec-rf --namespace=$NAMESPACE -o json | jq -r '.[0].modelStable.url') curl -XPOST ${REST_URL}predict --data '{"data":{"ndarray":[5411, 5439]}}'