
Myelin configuration command line utility for service operators to debug and diagnose their Myelin models.

Flags Shorthand Description
--context <string> The name of the kubeconfig context to use (default ``)
--istioNamespace <string> -i Istio system namespace (default `istio-system`)
--kubeconfig <string> -c Kubernetes configuration file (default ``)
--namespace <string> -n Config namespace (default ``)

myelin list

A group of commands used to list resources

  myelin list [flags]
Flags Shorthand Description
--context <string> The name of the kubeconfig context to use (default ``)
--istioNamespace <string> -i Istio system namespace (default `istio-system`)
--kubeconfig <string> -c Kubernetes configuration file (default ``)
--namespace <string> -n Config namespace (default ``)
--output <string> -o Output format. One of: wide|name (default `wide`)


  # Retrieve list of axons.
  myelin list axon

myelin list axon

Retrieve list of axons.

  myelin list axon [flags]
Flags Shorthand Description
--context <string> The name of the kubeconfig context to use (default ``)
--istioNamespace <string> -i Istio system namespace (default `istio-system`)
--kubeconfig <string> -c Kubernetes configuration file (default ``)
--namespace <string> -n Config namespace (default ``)
--output <string> -o Output format. One of: wide|name (default `wide`)


  # Retrieve list of axons.
  myelin list axon

myelin get

A group of commands used to get resources

  myelin get [flags]
Flags Shorthand Description
--context <string> The name of the kubeconfig context to use (default ``)
--istioNamespace <string> -i Istio system namespace (default `istio-system`)
--kubeconfig <string> -c Kubernetes configuration file (default ``)
--namespace <string> -n Config namespace (default ``)
--output <string> -o Output format. One of: name|json|yaml|wide (default `wide`)


  # Retrieve an axon.
  myelin get axon recommender-axon

myelin get axon

Retrieve an axon.

  myelin get axon [<axon>] [flags]
Flags Shorthand Description
--context <string> The name of the kubeconfig context to use (default ``)
--istioNamespace <string> -i Istio system namespace (default `istio-system`)
--kubeconfig <string> -c Kubernetes configuration file (default ``)
--namespace <string> -n Config namespace (default ``)
--output <string> -o Output format. One of: name|json|yaml|wide (default `wide`)


  # Retrieve an axon.
  myelin get axon recommender-axon

myelin endpoint

A group of commands used to get axon endpoints

  myelin endpoint [<axon>] [flags]
Flags Shorthand Description
--context <string> The name of the kubeconfig context to use (default ``)
--istioNamespace <string> -i Istio system namespace (default `istio-system`)
--kubeconfig <string> -c Kubernetes configuration file (default ``)
--namespace <string> -n Config namespace (default ``)
--output <string> -o Output format. One of: json|yaml (default `yaml`)


  # Retrieve an axon endpoint.
  myelin endpoint axon recommender-axon
  # Retrieve an axon endpoint selected models fixed urls.
  myelin endpoint axon recommender-axon -o json |  jq  -r '.[] | .modelStable'.url
  # Retrieve an axon endpoint selected models versioned urls.
  myelin endpoint axon recommender-axon -o json | jq  -r '.[] | .models[] | .backends[] | .url'
  # Retrieve an axon endpoint selected model graphs url.
  myelin endpoint axon recommender-axon -o json | jq  -r '.[] | .modelProxy'.url